Post a job

Describe your request for assistance through the following steps hereunder in order to receive submissions from affiliated lawyers. The job post application is made of four steps which will guide you through the process in order to help you get the most adapted proposals. Jobs posted on uLaw are confidential and communicated to duly affiliated lawyers exclusively.

1. Legal area

2. Budget and timing

3. Conditions

4. Case

Choose first the legal area

This choice ensures that your post will be directed to the competent candidates. Make sure it is correct.

Budget and timing

You can impose a pricing formula on lawyers by choosing one of the formulas proposed below. It is also possible for you to specify the precise budget that you wish by indicating, for the chosen formula, the imposed price. If you do not have a precise idea, it may be advisable to let the interested lawyers formulate their offer according to the formula they deem most appropriate.

Specific conditions

Please indicate your location (postcode and town of residence) and specify, if you wish, the additional conditions that the offers must meet.

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Describe your case

Give as much detail as possible on your case, they will help find the right profile to assist you.

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Invalide email address
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Please confirm your acceptance
Please confirm your acceptance